Rabu, 25 Maret 2015

Talaga Bodas, The white pond at the Mountaintop

        Talaga Bodas is the white pond at the top of Talaga Bodas Mountain in Sukamenak, Garut, West Java. Talaga Bodas is a crater which is curved by volcano in thousand years ago and now the crater is the one of beautiful recreation park in Garut City. 

       Talaga bodas is called as a telaga putih or white pond because the colour of water in telaga bodas is white-green and it contains a lot of sulphur. Talaga bodas which is located at 1.512 above sea level and in the middle of tropic forest is very cold and windy. The temperature is 24 to 26’ C. The people who lives in nearby of talaga bodas plant kinds of vegetables in their field, such as : tomato, chili, potato, and cabbage. They are also plants weeds for their livestock.

        However, to get the beautiful view of Talaga Bodas, we need a big of patience, we must through 20 km in stony road and it’s surrounded by steep cliffs. Then, it’s a one way. It’s only one car. So, on the way we often meet with another vehicle. In the other hand, there are a lot of monkeys who were hanging in the tress. It makes us like a people who are in a forest. But when we arrive in Talaga Bodas, we never care about the long jorney before. The beautiful scenery that we got in Talaga Bodas are more precious than the long journey before.

       On the other hand, Talaga Bodas and its beautifulness are a gift from Allah SWT which is given for human right. So, we must keep and preserve our nature. Then, as a young generation we must have a principle by saying no to wild cutting of the trees.